Regularity rally

Welcome to the PR-Racing ry regularity rally racing team, where precision and skill meet in exciting races.

Regularity rally is a form of motorsport that requires cooperation, precision and foresight from the driver and co-driver.

The sport has come to Finland by the Pro Regularity association, and it is managed by the Autoliitto AL-Sport.

PR-Racing ry

Cooperation and accuracy

Regularity rally offers a unique experience for a pair of competitors.

The co-driver, who can be unlicensed and under 18 years old, navigates the route given in the road book while the driver drives as precisely as possible, following the required speed.

The use of electronic devices is regulated, especially in the Historic class, where devices with internal GPS are prohibited.

Class introductions

In the AL-Sport Cup competitions, the championship is contested in two categories: historic and modern.

The competitions use registered and insured passenger cars for general traffic, and the age limit that determines the class of the car varies in different competitions.

  • AL-Sport Cup

    Separate classes for modern and Historic cars.

  • HRRT (Historic Regularity Rally Trophy)

    In connection with Historic rallies, only Historic cars are driven.

  • NEZ (North European Zone)

Competition permits and licenses

AL-Sport grants constant speed competition permits and annual licenses.

With all competitor licenses issued by AKK, you can also participate in competitions in sports managed by the Autoliitto.

People who only compete in sports managed by the Autoliitto can acquire an AL-Sport license, in which case the license ID corresponds to the Autoliitto membership number.

Diversity of competitions

The Regularity driving Cup races are run in normal traffic on routes according to the road book, which makes them realistic and challenging.

On the other hand, HRRT races are mainly run with closed special stages, which brings more excitement and competitive spirit.

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